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Income Tax

ITR- 1 Return Filing

Income tax return filing for an individual with salary income of less than Rs.5 lakhs.

ITR- 2 Return Filing

Income tax return filing for persons having DIN or owing private limited company shares.

ITR- 3 Return Filing

File your business tax returns and maintain compliance seamlessly through Apka Tax Wala

ITR- 4 Return Filing

File your business tax returns and maintain compliance seamlessly through Apka Tax Wala

ITR- 5 Return Filing

File your business tax returns and maintain compliance seamlessly through Apka Tax Wala

ITR- 6 Return Filing

Income tax return filing for Companies whose annual turnover is upto Rs.10 lakhs.

ITR- 7 Return Filing

Income tax return filing for a taxpayer with taxable income of less than Rs.10 lakhs.

TDS Return Filling

File your business tax returns and maintain compliance seamlessly through Apka Tax Wala

ITR 1 Filing Form

The Income Tax Department has arranged the citizens into the gathering to facilitate the tax compliances this order is done in view of the pay and the wellsprings of the pay. ITR 1 Return documenting in India is for individuals with a pay of up to Rs.50 lakh.

This article is an exhaustive manual for grasp the ITR 1 Sahaj Form. Every class of the citizen needs to figure the available pay as it is set down in the Income Tax Act,1961. Post calculation it is fundamental for the citizen to record the Income Tax Returns.

ITR 1 Sahaj Structure is for people that have pay up to Rs.50 lakh lakhs. The people procuring pay from the accompanying sources can document ITR 1 Sahaj Structure:

  1. Salaried individual Compensation alludes to the compensation or thought that an individual gets for the administrations the person needs to deliver under the agreement of business. The Income Tax Act,1961 incorporates the accompanying under the salary income
  2. Wages
  3. Pension
  4. Annuity
  5. Advance salary paid
  6. Leave Encashment
  7. Charge, essentials, commission, benefits other than or in lieu id the compensation or wages
  8. Moved balance in perceived fortunate asset
  9. Yearly growth to the perceived fortunate asset
  10. Focal Government commitment or a business commitment to Benefits account as referenced in Area 80 CCD of the Personal Expense Act.
  11. One house property: On the off chance that the citizen is the proprietor of a property from which the person in question is procuring rent, the lease continues become available.
  12. Be that as it may, in the event that the citizen is utilizing the proprietor of a property from which the person in question is procuring rent, the lease continues become available. Be that as it may, assuming that the citizen is involving the property for maintaining some business or calling a similar would be available under the heading “Pay from business or calling”.
  13. Different sources (does exclude pay procured from walking away with sweepstakes or racehorses)
  14. Horticultural pay (Upto to Rs. 5000)

Who cannot file ITR 1 Sahaj Form?

ITR 1 Sahaj Structure can’t be documented by the accompanying:

A person with a pay of beyond what Rs.50 lakh can’t utilize this ITR 1 Sahaj 1 Structure.

A person who is a Head of an Organization and has held unlisted value shares during the monetary years can’t utilize this structure.

Occupants who are not conventional inhabitants and non-inhabitants additionally can’t record ITR 1 Sahaj Structure.

People who procured pay through the accompanying sources can’t record ITR 1 :

  • House property mutiple
  • Lottery, Racehorses, Legitimate Betting, and so on.
  • Available capital additions ( Both present moment and long haul).
  • Farming Pay when it surpasses Rs. 5,000
  • A person who is an occupant of India and has resources outside India or the marking expert in any record based out of India
  • People guaranteeing alleviation of unfamiliar assessment paid or twofold tax collection help under Area 90/90A/91.
What documents are required to file ITR 1 Sahaj Form?
  • Form 16
  • Salary slips
  • Interest Certificates from the Post offices and Banks
  • Form 16A/16B/16C
  • Form 26AS
  • Tax saving investment proof
  • Deduction under the Section 80 D to 80 U
  • Home Loan statement from the NBFC or the Bank
  • Capital Gains.